The Boy

Sign & Seal

Sunday morning, Ian was baptized into the family of Christ – finally. We waited until we were closer to family, and thankfully everyone was able to make it. It was none too soon – Ian had begun to cry during prayer at church. His was the only baptism that morning, and he felt very special. […]

Stink Bug…

…is Ian’s latest nickname. Partly because he now prefers to play while we’re sleeping, but mostly because when we accuse him of this in the morning, he giggles and grins, and forces me to smile. Stinker. His first official nickname was Professor Fussenberg. We’d only use this when he was unjustly (we felt) cranky. Full […]


We’ve only put Ian down a half hour before when he suddenly wakes up, screaming. This isn’t his usual “Hey, I’m awake and would like my breast now” cry. We can hear those coming. This is his Cry of Injustice – a quietly shrill, sustained wail that, loosely translated, means, “What did I do to […]


Being the father of a four-month-old baby requires me to constantly invent new forms of entertainment. Success depends largely upon…well, I haven’t quite figured that part out yet. A colorful toy with flashing lights, whizzing dials, and thumping house music can make him cry, but gentle shaking of the bed sends him into fits of […]