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I don’t write Total Depravity to make money. Which is a good thing, ’cause I don’t….The purpose of this site is, and will remain, as a way for me to chronicle my fatherhood and Ian’s most embarrassing moments. And to streamline his therapy.

All About Fatherhood, however, is a horse of a different kettle of fish.

Thanks, Dad!

In August, I wrote about New South Wales’ Fatherhood Festival. Apart from tree-planting and kite-building, the festival also hosted the annual ‘Thanks Dad‘ photo competition. The results are in! Here are some of my favorite entries:            Take a moment to browse the 2006 galleries; they’ll brighten your day. Even if you live in Detroit. […]


I heart Google. I really do. The goal of everything they create seems to be making the internet personal and useful. And neat. Their latest fare is a feature called Google Co-Op. The service allows you to create a specialized search engine with results limited to the sites you select. It is with great…something…that I […]

When Kids Collide

This happens in Sunday School, too, and in nursery, where the goal isn’t survival but simply to get from this toy to that. They run, they hit, they fall. Sometimes they cry, but more often they laugh. More often than that, they ignore the crash completely and move on with their lives.