Advice for New Dads

Joseph asks Ask MetaFilter:

‘My wife and I are expecting our first child (a girl) this October. Mood wise, I’m veering between excitement and abject horror. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of literature out there aimed at new fathers that isn’t “religious” [read: Christian] in worldview. I’ve been enjoying Armin Brott’s The New Father but I’m interested in what other dads (new or otherwise) have to say about this amazing life change. Any advice, practical or resource-orientated, would be greatly appreciated.’

‘Religious worldview’? Nooooooo! Seriously, though, there’s been some good, practical advice offered so far. Reading MetaFilter hurts my brain, but eye-strain is a small price to pay for solid fatherly advice.

Remember, always seperate the wheat from the chaff.

One Response

  1. Mike F.
    Mike F. at | | Reply

    You know, we’re having our third child this fall and I’m still where that guy is: between utter ecstasy and total fear. I hope it never changes.

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