Joseph asks Ask MetaFilter:
‘My wife and I are expecting our first child (a girl) this October. Mood wise, I’m veering between excitement and abject horror. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of literature out there aimed at new fathers that isn’t “religious” [read: Christian] in worldview. I’ve been enjoying Armin Brott’s The New Father but I’m interested in what other dads (new or otherwise) have to say about this amazing life change. Any advice, practical or resource-orientated, would be greatly appreciated.’
‘Religious worldview’? Nooooooo! Seriously, though, there’s been some good, practical advice offered so far. Reading MetaFilter hurts my brain, but eye-strain is a small price to pay for solid fatherly advice.
Remember, always seperate the wheat from the chaff.
You know, we’re having our third child this fall and I’m still where that guy is: between utter ecstasy and total fear. I hope it never changes.