Too Soon?

Last night, Kelly and I went out for dinner to celebrate her birthday. We dumped left Ian with his grandparents.

When we returned, Ian was taking a bath. Apart from Grandpa, baths at Grammie and Grandpa’s have one attraction for Ian which really sets them apart from the tepid, utilitarian baths he has at home: the Titanic. Grandpa has a toy model of the Titanic that—wait for it—really sinks.

You flip a switch, a section of the bow caves in, and the ship sinks, nose-first. As the bow slips under water, the ship breaks in half, and the stern comes tumbling after.

It is morbid. Yet disturbingly fun.

Grandpa also has a submarine with a light that works underwater. Sure, fathers are known for playing pirates or naval battle in the bathtub. But how many have ever played ‘salvage operation’?

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