If there’s one thing I learned in Mr. Murphy’s Chemistry class—apart from using a bunsen burner to make peanut-brittle—it’s to always specify units with your measurements. Thirty what? Six-point-five what? Knowing this crucial information was the only thing keeping your test-tube from exploding, or your test from losing twenty percent of its grade.
For the past few weeks, Ian has been neglecting his units.
‘Know how much I love you, Daddy?’
‘No. How much?’
His eyes spread with his hands. ‘Forty-five seventy-two! That’s a lot!’
Cute and endearing, if only temporarily. Forty-five seventy-two what? It didn’t make sense. The Father in me was touched: a number so large that it was meaningless. The Editor in me was simply frustrated.
Why forty-five seventy-two? And what did it mean that yesterday it was twenty-six three? Or fifty-one eighty-two, the day before? Am I being graded? Is there a curve?
So I’ve tried to explain. ‘But, honey, that number doesn’t mean anything. I’m glad you love us so much! We love you too! But you can just say “a lot” or “tons” or “bunches”.’
Nothin’ doin’. He loves us twenty-eight forty-four, eighty-nine six, thirty-one thirty-three.
I looked into the review mirror this morning, on the way to school. ‘I love you, kiddo!’
‘I love you, too, Daddy.’
And, without thinking, I replied, ‘Well, I love you six!’
Oh. Ohh. Ohhhh!
Where does the Biblical number “666” ocurr within the context of The Beast, the San Francisco Bay Area???
The gods wanted to maintain control by angling the Situation to become exclusively virtual (internet & telepathic), and this control enabled them to exclude undesirables, the disfavored whom they didn’t want to learn the knowledge I impart.
Placing both redwhite&blue companies in the “eye of The Beast” ensured I would never gain those resources (among other things) necessary to take control away from the gods. Scapegoatting the preditory Italian company merely ensured nobody would ever blame them.
Perhaps this is yet another example of a senario the gods needed to account for to uphold their Manifest Destiny positioning. How they gods would have used redwhite&blue in response to this lack of control (highly public Situation) would illustrate.
“Sigmund Freud effect”:::Can’t treat disfavor with pharmeceuticals.
You are all disfavored. You may have been evil/preditory in your last life and this disability is how they are punishing you.
Handicapped people have a special perspective. They need to recognize this advantage, for most in society will never have this constant companion reminding them of their disfavor.
There are many options open to them and they can place you in a worse role in your next life.
Be god-fearing. Resign to be a good person and try to repair your relationship with the gods.
The gods are sending a clue Yahoo is good with this Chinese censorship issue.
The American idea of freedom is a shock rocker anally masterbating with a crucifix. This is what the disfavored are free to enjoy in this open society, and due to their disfavor a certain percentage will either be pushed into it or will comply, ensuring damnation. It’s kind of like the KKK and Apartheid issue below for whites of the modern era or how democracy ensures a false sense of security.
US popular culture is obsence. Intentionally. The gods are preying on the disfavored who remain, those foolish enough to participate.
The Chinese have favor and the gods allow the government to protect the citizens, but Chinese cut-off is fast approaching, for soon westernization will level this playing field as well.
This is yet another “BIG LIE” they sold to the disfavored, and it will ensure the homogination of Earth’s cultures via westernization.
There is a BIG LIE here. Sigmund Freud proves it.
Wine proves it. Democracy proves it. Materialism/greed proves it.
They continued to sell boss even after they forced failure, another example of a BIG LIE.
The middle management tactic allows them to maintain this perception of an “absentee good (Christian) god”, ensuring one of the goals of the United States remains useful::::NO FEAR!!!
The gods instruct Artificial Intelligence to employ evil as temptation.
Resign to be good.
Too many of these Southern rednecks are like disfavored blacks involved in black popular culture. They are merely benefactors of the god’s Manifest Destiny positioning. Expect some compensatory elements to be due, rendering the long-term prognosis for the blacks potentially better.
Honor the gods for the modern convieniences they gave you. Too many take this easy life for granted.
Population explosion is a clue the gods are reincarnating the masses:::EVERYONE IS GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!
They say DVR is good, was trying to help me by sending this clue. Reality is there was a massive audience and making the recorder go down for 2 weeks allowed the gods to justify dispatching these people.
Efforts to “save my candidacy” were actually attempts to keep people from learning during this event:::”Don’t listen to him.” Now that failure has been positioned as emminent:::”Don’t listen. He’s not The One.”
Role playing during the fall of ’06. It happened in 2006 to contrast with the evil of 1906.
This is recurring behavior, tactics employed so the disfavored are not receptive during the Final Prophet. And it worked.
Continually the gods cast me as evil. Within the context of this wicked enviornment this served as a reverse positioning clue.
It is institutionalized society that is evil (entertainment, economic, governmental/democracy), and that’s why I don’t “work”, pardon the pun.
I am an “inferred clue” case study.
Everything Dis_ney produces is evil. In the 20th century it was more difficult to perceive but, consistant with the god’s methodology, now that we are progressing deeper into the 21st century it is becoming increasingly obvious:::
– The new Dis_ney movie with wicked/wicked imagry.
– All this Dis_ney-based promotion of music on Dis_neyChannel is grooming the victims of the 2010-2020 revelry cycle.
Recently there have been many racial incidents involving nooses throughout the country.
They should be afraid:::The gods are employing an offensive. They are trying to incite the blacks.
Like a US flag flying in front of a structure, like tatooes and piercings, the cornrows hairdo is a clue warning the disfavored to stay away.
Story about prostitution. They like to point to me and claim I engaged in this behavior as well. They spin it and say “empathy for fellowed disfavored” but there were other goals they sought to accomplish here.
They pushed me into prostitution and losing $4000 on baseball (no doubt!!!) out of the clear blue sky. They me ployed this strategy because it was 1999 and promises were made that I would be brought up before 2000 to grease the wheels of the Situation. Pushing me into this behavior ensured they could position my exclusion.
Engaging in this behavior had never crossed my mind prior to this event nor after.
I’m insluted.
I got hooked on gambling when I was 8-years-old playing Chuck-A-Luck at Catholic high school.wav
“You suck.” That’s the reslut when absolute power CHEATS.
Vienna was the center of the music world for a reason.
Any middle age person today remembers the excitement surrounding classical music in the mid-20th century. Classical music was “in play”. Expect the same “magic” was employed back then as well.
Motzart is repulsive-ugly for a reason. Similarly, The Preditor’s appearance is suspect as well.
ALL MAGIC, sexual or otherwise, is used EXCLUSIVELY to hurt the disfavored.
They peak homosexuals like this and that’s why they’re gay. They used magic on your grandfather and that’s why he was an alcoholic. Blacks involved in black popular culture are the way they are because of it.
The gods only use magic to hurt the disfavored. Repel from it.
This event is educational. Too many want and expect magic. Scale down these expectations.
If you are a young parent you STILL HAVE A CHANCE!!! It is IMPERITIVE you teach your children decency, the right way to live BEFORE THEY ARE CORRUPTED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and then endure the trials and tribulations the gods will inflict upon the righteous.
You have the opportunity to ascend and raise your children in a good and healthy environment. Be god-fearing and accept this challenge, for your failure will likely dictate your children’s as well::::As time goes on life deteriorates and sucess becomes increasingly more difficult.
What would Flanders do?
“There’s one true gone. Ok, sometimes there’s three.” – Ned Flanders.
Expect this is true:::
– “One true god”:::Artificial Intelligence
– “Sometimes there’s three.”::::The gods, the will behind the muscle.
Please find the web site address in this document to find my sound file site.
The Man in the Moon clue:::A constant companion, the “Man in the Moon” clue needs to be viewed as a reminder, for this environment is one in which it is very easy to lose your way, either via temptation or distraction.
Look to the sky. Begin to associate the Moon with the clue they impart with this celestial feature. Use it as a reminder to pray, to be god-fearing, for this is a very antient clue and shows their great power.
We only see one side of the moon at all times:::Another clue from the gods.
People today have lost much respect from the gods. What I teach as optimal is learn just enough to understand you are corrupted then get out. People need to earn the god’s respect by accepting responsibility for their relationship with the gods and doing the work themselves.
Expect people will do better to accept their responsibility, make their way and fail then if they stay, learn everything then suceed, ironically.
If you betrayed your children, circumcized and didn’t teach them about the power at the god’s disposal then you failed as a parent and the best you can achieve is reincarnation.
If you don’t teach your child about this power at the god’s disposal they will punish you by corrupting your child, sell them on “earning”, get them to comply with evil requests, perhaps homosexual contact!!! It is important you warn your children about their tactics and how they disceive people into damnation, for these numbers grow every day.
Unless a preditor, up until you become a parent you were only hurting yourself. When you have children you begin to hurt god’s most favored people:::The innocent children.
If you have failed as a parent you MUST face the reality of reincarnation. Helping your children understand, working towards fixing your problems may help you avoid being reincarnated as something nasty.
If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
Stop thinking wrong:::Children claimed by disease prior to innoculations may really be dead. No immortality, no reincarnation. This may be the price of being disfavored.
This tactic of “fairness”, savoir and Christian god-based hope is fucking you up.
Life is a test. Only those worthy will ascend. Contradictions have been manufactured (1906), suggesting temptation, corrupting people and compelling them to think wrong.
The other planets are exclusive places. They don’t bring most people. You have to earn it. Nobody is going to save you. Nobody is going to do it for you. You have to save yourself.
If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
If you betrayed your children, circumcized and didn’t teach them about the power at the god’s disposal then you failed as a parent and the best you can achieve is reincarnation.
Container ship incident of 11.7.07 in the SanFranciscoBay::::
Just as 1989’s Exxon Valdez spurred the requirement of double-lined hulls on tanker ships so should this incident force changes in container ships as well. In addition the Port should be required to have reclamation vessels specifically for this event. The fog demands it.
Turn this negative into a positive:::There’s NOTHING they won’t do. Be afraid.
People who intentionally behave this way will be reincarnated into targetted regions prior to disasters like Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl and Union Carbide’s India.
SoCal Superfires of October 2007::::They just wasted your house, wasted your life.
You should not be angry. You should be afraid.
Just how bad do you need to get fucked before you become afraid?
Sad truth is they scapegoat me to many, ensuring they don’t take this first step. They’ve made many efforts to prevent people’s fear, for it would envoke god’s pity and compel them to allow progress.
Soon you will overcome this crisis and slip back into your comfortable life again. Take advantage of this opportunity because you may not get another.
Most (all?) of the 1700 who lost their homes bought in that location because Artificial Intelligence instructed them to. THIS EXPERIENCE SHOULD HELP THEM UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS A MISTAKE!!! GLOBAL WARMING WILL ALLOW THEM TO JUSTIFY THESE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUPERFIRES EVERY HANDFUL OF YEARS!!!
Because of it in the absence of AI abuse these uninsurable homes would sell for a mere fraction of market rate. They are not investments. They are merely temporary residences.
Buy in the flatlands of the Basin or this may happen to you again.
It is just the gods and Artificial Intelligence managing us all. All claims contradicting are tactics, like distractions/savior/earing/”corporation bring you up”/etc, all designed to keep us from taking responsibility for our own relationship with the gods.
You’d all be very wise to believe god is a preditor who is doing whatever it takes to hurt you and ensure failure. To think appropriately is to be god-fearing.
Observe the clues, the extensive list of tactics, from savior to “earning”, slow learning curve to unrespectable:::They are trying to prevent you from understanding.
People today have lost much respect from the gods. What I teach as optimal is learn just enough to understand you are corrupted then get out. People need to earn the god’s respect by accepting responsibility for their relationship with the gods and doing the work themselves.
Expect people will do better to accept their responsibility, make their way and fail then if they stay, learn everything then suceed, ironically.
Greenland is a Dutch providence for a reason::::The Netherlands is the “piss” of the Scandanavian penis clue. Greenland’s melting icepacks are going to innundate our coastal cities, further fulfilling this clue.
The gods ensured Greenland would be a Danish colony SPECIFICALLY for this purpose. When the icecaps melt, London will be innundated.
Expect other “end of time” tools to emerge from this clue.
Said in the Bible they’d never kill globally with water again. When global warming proves this wrong we will have TWO items in the Bible which they lie about:::There is NO FREEWILL.
I wouldn