You are browsing the site archives for 2006.

Not My Thing

I took Ian to school this morning, and stayed for about an hour and a half to play. It was his Star Day, which means he was the teacher’s helper, and got to bring something for Show N’ Tell. As me, Ian, and a classmate finished making a monster out of blocks, Ian’s teacher told […]


I heart Google. I really do. The goal of everything they create seems to be making the internet personal and useful. And neat. Their latest fare is a feature called Google Co-Op. The service allows you to create a specialized search engine with results limited to the sites you select. It is with great…something…that I […]

When Kids Collide

This happens in Sunday School, too, and in nursery, where the goal isn’t survival but simply to get from this toy to that. They run, they hit, they fall. Sometimes they cry, but more often they laugh. More often than that, they ignore the crash completely and move on with their lives.

Blackwater Giles

Kelly is directing the middle school play, and has rehearsal this afternoon. Ian is sitting behind me, sending mail to my coworkers and pretending to be a ‘boxer man’. My iPod is playing in the background, and Centerfold by J. Giles came on a few minutes ago. Inappropriate content aside, can someone please explain to […]

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Last night Kelly and I volunteered for clean-up after Ian’s school’s fall festival. It was going to be a late(r) night, so we asked her folks if Ian could spend the night. Did I mention that we live in St. Louis? Kelly and I got home just in time for the ninth inning. We were […]

Hide n’…Nevermind

At some point, I started luring Ian to bed by racing him to his toothbrush. By the time he reaches the finish line, he’s forgotten that he doesn’t want to sleep. Sometimes I cheat. I rush up the stairs, grab his toothbrush, and hide in the shower. And no matter how often, or how obvious, […]

Artistic Differences

My folks just left after a week’s visit, helping with home repairs I could do myself if I were a real man. Apart from new outlets and flashing on the roof, it was great seeing my dad spend time with Ian. They don’t see much of each other, mostly because otherwise neither would get any […]

On a Toothpick

After work earlier this week, I noticed that Ian had a small cut on his forehead. I didn’t ask what had happened, or how. I knew: he’s three years old. If neither he nor Kelly brings it up, I don’t either; if there’s not a co-payment involved, there’s no reason to worry. Wednesday night, my […]