You are browsing the site archives for 2006.

How It’s Made

Ian loves machines and factories. If he’s making a mess, it’s usually not his fault: it’s ‘the machine’. His arms lift, his hands grab and pinch, and everything moves with a rumble or roar or whine. A while ago, I was searching YouTube for clips from one of our family’s favorite shows, How It’s Made. […]

Unsolicited Advice

Sometimes, it ain’t so bad. ‘Their conversation meanders on to golf and women and work. I eat my food, and I can’t taste it. I think, though my own three boys are near to killing me, that I’ll take all of them, all the children not wanted because they don’t fit someone’s lifestyle. You sit […]

Peanut Gallery

For dinner last night, we had chicken-noodle soup with homemade biscuits. Ian wanted his with peanut butter and jelly; the biscuit, not the soup. You’d think a peanut-butter-jelly sandwich on a buttery, fresh-from-the-oven biscuit wouldn’t last long in the hands of a three-year-old. Twenty minutes later, you’d realize you were wrong. We had last-minute plans […]

The Opportunist

Ian loves to snuggle, but with no one so much as his Mommy. I’ll get a hug if I ask for it; two or three if I force the issue. He gives me Pavlovian pecks on the cheek as I leave for work. But after his bath, when he’s warm and nestled in his pajamas, […]

Vote for Jimmy

Living in St. Louis, we’ve heard about nothing for the past few months except Amendment 2, Michael J. Fox, and Claire McCaskill’s nursing homes. In this season of political apathy and confusion, it’s easy to forget what’s important.

Watching Paint Dry

When I was in elementary school, I used to sift through dumpsters on the last day of school, looking for old textbooks and office supplies. Everyone needs a hobby. Ian may be following in his father’s footsteps. Though, admittedly, to a more hygienic degree: ‘With just over an hour before Mommy’s return, I suddenly remembered […]